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Fabulous Insta Photo Shoot of Actress Sveta Bilyalova

All my life since I grew up I work my ass off in gym to be in good shape. My main goal is to have booty, ofcourse. Because without gym I d had 0. Sometimes I struggle to loose weight. I always eat healthy, but it’s never enough. To start loosing weight I need to eat mostly vegetables and do cardio an hour everyday. Then comes a moment when I become leaner and happy with my body. Not for long. I continue loosing weight. I’m eating as much I can, 10 000 colories a day but I continue loosing kilos and all my muscles that I worked so hard for. My ass becomes flat. After 2-6 months being skinny as fuck I start to get weight. And again I can’t normally stop this process. I become fat and takes so much afford to become skinny again. That’s my life cycle. So exhausting. Nobody is perfect guys, especially not me. Even when I achieve my body goals. There will be people saying that I’m fat or disgustingly skinny. #SexySvetaBilyalova If you like to be updated with the hot Insta pictures of model Sveta Bilyalova, follow her account on Stylevore.

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