Pretty Tumbler Adriana Lima Pic Insta: Instagram photos,  Queen,  top Instagram models,  Hot Taylor Hill,  Adriana Lima,  Super Hot Adriana Lima

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Pretty Tumbler Adriana Lima Pic Insta

Only 8 days for the #VSFS2022 ? So excited to see this beautiful angel slayin' the runway! ??✨? @adrianalima #adrianalima #gorgeous #goddess #queen Thank you all so much for 75K my loves! ?? #hotgirlshit #hotgirlz #hotAdrianaLima #picoftheday #lifestyle #sensual #hotinstmodel If you like to be updated with the latest Insta photos of actress Adriana Lima, follow her profile on Stylevore.

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You have to accept that some people are not made for deep conversations, or for holding you together when you’re about to fall apart, or for keeping you from unzipping your skin, or for talking you out of suicide, or to love you through the worst moments of your life. Some people are made for shallow exchanges, and ridiculous banter, and nothing more. And that’s okay. That doesn’t make them horrible people because they simply aren’t able to handle a storm like you. It doesn’t make you a bad person because you won’t divulge all the gritty details of your horror show. It makes you smart. You have to accept that there will be people that cannot give you what you need. It doesn’t mean they are not worth keeping in your life. You just have to figure out who these ones are before you’re disappointed. And you have to keep them at arm’s length. You cannot expect everyone in your life to understand, to be nonjudgmental, to get it. But that’s okay, because not everyone was made to impart wisdom, or wax-poetic, or speak on politics and the depravity of society, or discuss how crucial it is that the stigma of mental illness be abolished. There are times when you have to get away from all that heaviness. You have to. And you will need superficial conversation about Kim Kardashian’s arse, or a debate on the color of The Dress. You will need those ones. So don’t go round cutting people off and dropping your friends. You need people for all your seasons. You need people or you won’t survive this. ? #hotgirlshit #hotgirlz #hotBrennanBlack #picoftheday #lifestyle #sensual #hotinstmodel If you like to be up to date with the sexy Insta pics of model Bre Tiesi, follow her profile on Stylevore. Almost 16166 people liked it

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Instagram Recent Bella Hadid

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Many of you have been asking me lately about my #diet and what I've been doing to look leaner. I thought I'd offer this post.  I've made some changes to my diet over the last few months. ✅1. I stopped eating junk. When I say "food", I mean one ingredient, example: Broccoli is food, broccoli mixed with sugary sauce is junk. The last junk meal I had was on December 15, (my birthday). This doesn't mean I don't have re-feed days, I do. A re-feed day is just more carbs than I normally would eat. I have re-feed days once- a- week. Junk food will cause inflammation, re-feed days are just eating more good food, like rice, potatoes or more fruit. Sometimes, I'll go out and have sushi. ✅2. I decreased my calories. I don't want you to think I cut like crazy, I didn't. I just went from 1600 #calories to 1200. That little difference added up over weeks, will make all the difference. But, if you're working out 4 times per week, I'd recommend a re-feed day. ✅3. Increased my protein intake. Yup, if you're cutting calories and working out, I'd recommend increasing your protein intake. If you don't you'll lose muscle, and just become a smaller version of yourself. That's not the goal. The goal is to be #leaner and have more #muscle . ✅4. Less Carbs: I eat most of my #carbs before, during and after my #workout .That's the best time to eat carbs ( and protein). I put honey with goat protein in my shaker. I use goat protein because I'm lactose intolerant, but if you're not, whey works great.  The rest of my day is veggies with lean meats, or fish.  On non-workout days, I eat carbs for breakfast and lunch. The rest of the day, just veggies, protein and good fats like wild salmon, avocado or flax oil. Most of my protein comes from fish, chicken, egg whites or any lean meat. ✅5. If I have #cravings in the evening I may eat some low carbs fruits like berries, but only after my meal. Never by itself. ??Bodysuit from P.S. Slide pic to see some examples of my meals. #instagirl #hotgirl # #hot #sexygirl #model #girl #JuliaGilas If you like to be updated with the hot Instagram pics of model Bre Tiesi, follow her account on Stylevore. Around 22474 people liked it

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THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IN OHIO ? Two clubs each night! First in #RootstownOH at 10pm and second in #CantonOH at midnight, both Friday and Saturday this weekend!!!! #instagirl #hotgirl # #hot #sexygirl #model #girl #ToriBlack If you like to be up to date with the hot Instagram photos of actress Tori Black, like her profile on Stylevore. Almost 5548 people liked it


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